Let's take a poke at poke!

In the event you've been missing out on the all-around awesomeness that is good poke, we've got you covered. This versatile dish has been an increasingly popular way to enjoy raw fish over the last two years, and it's experienced some amazing evolutions since reaching Denver's dining scene. When done conventionally, poke is a sort-of Hawaiian spin on sushi—typically features cubed proteins, veggies, and sauces served on a bowl of rice. As you're about to see, however, plenty of Denver restaurants have developed their own spin on this dish, meaning you've got plenty of options if you want to broaden your poke horizons. 

Denver Poke Company

poke in denver
Courtesy of Denver Poke Company

You just know that the food is going to be good when its name is just [LOCATION] + [FOOD] + Company. Denver Poke Company lives up to the hype with a menu that's absolutely jam-packed with creative poke combinations. The restaurant comes from former Sushi Den chef Anh Nguyen, and you can taste the high-class sushi experience in dishes like the chili mango salmon bowl, which pairs fresh salmon with citrus ponzu sauce and chili threads for a uniquely delicious experience. 

Turtle Boat

poke in denver
Courtesy of Turtle Boat

There's only one thing on Turtle Boat's menu: poke. Ranging in size from "modest" to "massive", their different bowls include a veritable rainbow of freshly-caught, locally-sourced fish that generally aren't available on the menus of other restaurants. Highlights include rainbow trout, arctic charr, and Colorado striped bass, all of which bring a unique world of flavor into Turtle Boat's dishes. Recommending any one combination on their menu feels a bit disingenuous: the real fun at Turtle Boat comes from exploring the menu yourself. 


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Courtesy of Motomaki

Even though Motomaki is best known for its sushi burrito, you can opt to skip the "roll" option and go for "bowl" instead. All of the awesome food on Motomaki's menu is available in sushi-bowl format, and they've also got a designated poke part of their menu as well. Our personal favorite is their salmon poke + taro chips bowl, which adds plenty of spice to an already flavorful experience. It's impossible to overstate the awesomeness that is their roll menu too, which means your favorite poke combinations can effectively be enjoyed as sushi burritos. As an added bonus, they also have an awesome happy hour! 

Poke House

poke in denver
Courtesy of Poke House

Confession time: even though it's not poke, the Cheetosspam musubi on Poke House's menu is one of Denver's most chaotically amazing food combinations. Don't let the presence of this unholy appetizer distract you from their top-notch poke, especially if you're craving ahi tuna. Both their Ahi-Mazing and Spicy Ahi bowls offer some of the freshest ahi tuna in Colorado—and it's served with plenty of zesty mix-ins too! In addition, their Cali Bowl is an unexpectedly awesome way to enjoy the single most overdone sushi roll of all time: the California roll. 


poke in denver
Courtesy of Menya

Beyond offering a robust poke menu, Menya also has plenty of more traditional Japanese food in case you feel like taking a quick culinary trip to the other side of the Pacific ocean. It's hard to go wrong with any of the combinations on Menya's DIY poke menu, which is a great chance to let out your inner poke artist. Of course, there's plenty to love on Menya's signature menu too, especially if you're willing to splurge for their Menya Special Poke bowl. 

What's your favorite place to get poke in Denver? Sound off in the comments! 

Andre Gilbo
Andre Gilbo is a content writer for OCN. In his spare time, he enjoys horror novels and trees.