*Originally published on June 10, 2020
Updated on April 27, 2023:

Michael Daus is a business owner in Jackson, Wyoming, and decided to take his family on a trek through Yellowstone National Park way back in May 2020. The family enjoyed the day and saw the beautiful natural wonders and wildlife that roamed the park, including a grizzly bear they saw on the road as they turned into the parking lot near the Grand Prismatic Overlook trail. Prepped with bear spray, the family felt safe enough to head out as they kept a safe distance away.

On the way back to the car, however, they encountered a situation that quickly became deadly. The grizzly had moved closer to the parked vehicles while the family had embarked on their hike ... and he had company, a young bison.

The bison made an attempt to charge at the bear, and the hungry, far more experienced predator returned the charge. As the family walked to the car, Daus could film the entire encounter.

Daus can be heard explaining what is happening in the video while he remains far away. He shot about 17 minutes of video, then edited it down to a five-minute clip, "Bear v Bison," and posted it on YouTube. Watch the video below:

**Please be advised this is a graphic video showing a natural occurrence in the animal world. Viewer discretion is advised.**

Another edited version is featured on the Jackson Hole EcoTour Adventures Facebook page.

Yellowstone is the home of many wild animals and the grizzly bears in Yellowstone feed on bison. They, along with wolves, are the only predators of the bison in the park, though many animals and scavengers feed off the spoils.

Have you ever been this close to an animal encounter like the one Daus filmed? It's a good reminder to always stay alert when interacting in nature, especially in a place like Yellowstone, where humans are guests in the home of these animals.