Colorado is dry!

One thing about Colorado is that it is dry. I've definitely noticed more frequent chapped lips and dry skin since moving here. Colorado is a beautiful state worth living in, so we should figure out a way to hydrate our skin while still getting to live in one of the coolest places there is! Let's take a look at some of the best ways for hydrating and moisturize our skin in this dry climate.

Drink water!

I like to have a water bottle on me at all times. Water is truly so important on multiple levels. Water evaporates from the skin more quickly in Colorado due to the low humidity. Not only does water hydrate your insides, but it also works to hydrate your skin. Water intake increases the skin's elasticity, reduces its dehydration, and can even help to prevent breakouts.

Use a Humidifier

These are a great purchase for those of us living in dryer climates. While we can't control nature, we can take some matters into our own hands by making beneficial adjustments to our environments. Humidifiers are able to aid with skincare by preventing dry skin from even happening. The best humidity level is between 40-60%. This added humidity will help your skin to absorb moisture. 

Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreen is very important in Colorado, no matter what the season. Sun damage can cause issues with the skin's protective barrier and immunity. This leads to an increased risk of water loss and dryness. Do not forget your sunscreen, especially if you live in Colorado. And remember to reapply.

Be Careful With Hot Water

I'm a huge fan of long, hot showers. Too much exposure to hot water, however, can actually dry out the skin. What a bummer! Showers that are too long or hot can strip your body of natural moisture. If you are experiencing dry skin, try shortening your shower and/or lowering the temperature. While a lukewarm shower doesn't sound very fun, it can be beneficial to your skin.

Use Caution With Hyaluronic Acid 

Hyaluronic acid has been increasingly popular in the media over the past few years. While many gurus rave about it, it is important to do your research before blindly using it. If you use this incorrectly, you could risk actually further dying out the skin. Hyaluronic acid binds moisture to the skin. When the air lacks moisture, it will pull it from your skin instead. For this reason, hyaluronic acid should be applied to wet skin and followed up by a moisturizer.


Finally, make sure you are using moisturizer. This should be obvious, but can sometimes be neglected. This is especially important post-shower, shaving, and exfoliation. There are many types of moisturizers to choose from, and some may be better for certain types of skin or weather. Talk to your doctor about which moisturizers they would recommend.

We can't deny that Colorado is dry, but that doesn't mean our skin should suffer. Instead, we should take the opportunity to educate ourselves and practice self-care. This is not an extensive list of ways to help hydrate your skin, but it provides a good foundation. As always, talk to a medical professional for the best skin care advice.

Let's raise our (water) glasses to happy and healthy skin!

Helaina Cozza
Helaina is a content writer for OCN. She is a Colorado transplant and loves the Colorado lifestyle. Some activities she enjoys are skiing, going to concerts, and hiking.