In the video below, the guys behind the OCN Drives Podcast share their first impressions of the 2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon.

If you grew up loving cars, and you live in America, it's a safe bet that, at some point, you've wanted a Jeep—at least, I know I have. And after driving the 2020 Gladiator Rubicon, I can kiss any dream of retirement goodbye. Sure, it's not as refined as some of the others in its class, and some may say the styling is a bit "eccentric," but it has character, history, and, most of all, gives you the adventure bug. When it comes down to it, I'll take going to a rock concert at Red Rocks over the symphony any day. 

So without further ado, check out some of our first impressions of the 2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon, the ultimate Colorado rig. 

Want to hear more? Stay tuned for the next episode of our OCN Drives Podcast where we talk about the Gladiator in its natural habitat—the Rockies right behind us! 

George Erbert
George is a Denver native who has an unapologetic love for cars, strong coffee, road trips, and -- despite his youthful appearance -- bygone eras of country music. In his free time, you'll find him carving mountain back roads in whatever car he's lent for the weekend, reading, writing, or unsuccessfully trying to replicate things shown on any of Anthony Bourdain's TV shows.