With summer drawing closer, a lot of us have got the travel bug.

We spend our days at work dreaming about lying on the beach in South America or exploring a historic city in Europe. But then we look at how much those flights cost, and the dream is shattered a bit. Well, fear not, for there are a couple ways you can snag a cheap flight to the destination of your dreams! Here are three sites that will guide you to finding cheap flights to places all over the world:

Scott’s Cheap Flights

Subscribe to Scott’s Cheap Flights and receive amazing (even shocking!) travel deals straight to your email. Scott does all the hard work for you by summarizing regional sales, mistake fares, and unique travel destinations in one easy-to-comprehend newsletter. The flights are primarily international, but there are a couple domestic spots thrown in. Scott’s Cheap Flights offers both free and paid membership options. Here’s how it works: You subscribe to the list, and every couple of days or so, Scott sends you the latest flight deals via email in a newsletter format, with sales grouped together by region of the world. Some deals include a flight out of most U.S. airports, with others only a select few. If you're really bitten by the wanderlust bug, the paid service may be the best way to go, as Scott sends out more frequent alerts and reserves the best travel discounts for members. Scott explicitly explains booking instructions, how long the sale is likely to last, and any other pertinent information you may need to know. Check out his website here for more information! [caption id="attachment_8418" align="aligncenter" width="646"]cheap flights Courtesy of slickdeals.net[/caption]


Whether you’re looking to travel domestically or internationally, you can count on Skiplagged to curate the best possible flight deals for you. They look for loopholes in flight pricing and expose those flights the airline may not want you to see. You can also find some amazing hotels on Skiplagged as well. When you head to the website, the front page will list the best deals of the day. If you like surprising yourself with where you may go next, this is a great feature to get ideas. Looking for something more specific? You can enter in your starting point, desired destination, and dates of travel in the search bar and receive a list of available flight options, ranking from low to higher fare. The nice thing about Skiplagged is that they list out all the flights, even regularly priced ones, so you can make sure you’re getting the best deal. Sometimes the best flight is a little pricier but direct. It’s good to have all your options out on the table. [caption id="attachment_8419" align="alignnone" width="1024"]cheap flights Courtesy of skiplagged.com[/caption]


Seeqr works similarly to Scott’s Cheap Flights, in that you can subscribe to their newsletter and receive cheap flights directly to your email. They offer flights, hotels, and travel packages. This is a great resource if you’re thinking about going somewhere completely new and want to take off some of the burdens of planning. By buying a travel package deal, you won’t have to worry about finding a hotel or planning activities once you're there. You can also look into guided tour options, which is a great way to meet other people who love to travel. This service is great because all the mistake fares, loopholes, and sales are submitted by other travelers. Seeqr then combines the community’s expertise into one easy-to-read list. You can check out more information and subscribe here. [caption id="attachment_8420" align="aligncenter" width="400"]chepa flights Courtesy of dribble.com[/caption] With resources like these, you cant go wrong! Check out all three spots before booking your travel to make sure you’re getting the best, most cost-effective deal! And once you’ve got your flight booked, check out the ultimate guide on traveling with just a carry-on (traveling lighter is another great way to save money!). Where are you planning to go on your next trip? Let us know about your travels or travel wish list in the comments below! ***This article was originally written by mberman for Our Community Now -- Washington, D.C.

The Denver Zoo has an ever-growing family. Read all about the newest addition here!

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