Hey, Northside, Sunnyside, and Highlands dwellers! Did you know ...

1. Due to the flooding of Cherry Creek in 1864, Denver residents moved westward to the hills, which would create the development known as Highland.

denver 1864 flood

Courtesy of Denver Public Library

2. The Highlands neighborhood was a dry area, even though liquor wasn’t prohibited. The thing is, it was so expensive to get a liquor license that hardly any liquor was sold in the neighborhood until well after Prohibition ended.

3. The Lumber Baron Inn sports a 500-pound, 14-pointed star that once topped the sign belonging to the Celebrity Sports Center on its roof. The Celebrity Sports Center was a large venue designed by Walt Disney and other celebrities that included 80 bowling lanes, an Olympic-sized pool, and arcade that served the Denver area from 1960-1994.

lumber baron inn and gardens

Courtesy of Lumber Baron Inn & Gardens' Facebook Page

4. Gaetano's Italian restaurant served as headquarters for the Smaldone mafia family, the reigning kings of the bootlegging era.

gaetano's denver

Courtesy Gaetano's of Facebook Page

Any other facts about North Denver that we missed on our list? Share them with us in the comments below.

Laura Cromwell
Just a word-lovin' southern gal who wandered into the great state of Colorado (don't worry, she knows how to drive in the snow). Loves all things outdoors, satire, dessert, and any excuse to dress up. Does crossword puzzles in ink because she walks on the wild side.