As much fun as summertime is for humans with all the fireworks shows, many dogs find it absolutely nerve-wracking. Here's how to keep them calm.
Get in touch with your Irish roots this St. Patrick's Day by combining three wonderful things: coffee, booze, and chocolate. Check out this delicious recipe for Irish coffee brownies!
As the weather grows warmer and we enter summer, we must be mindful of how the heat affects our dogs and cats. Make sure you're putting your pet's safety first in the summertime with these tips!
If you've been roped into planning the office Christmas party, give this article a look before you lose your mind.
With warm weather adventures in full swing, being aware of your pet's safety out of the house needs to be kept at the forefront of your mind.
We can all agree that having the flu is pure misery, but being proactive can assist in dodging this nasty virus. Now that flu season has kicked off, it's time to put in the legwork on staying healthy. Start by changing up your daily habits with these tips.
This caffeine-infused banana bread is the perfect addition to a lazy Sunday breakfast.
A study performed by Current Biology showed that 6% of traffic deaths per year are attributed to the week following spring Daylight Saving Time.
Celebrate your sweetheart as if every day is Valentine's Day with a few rolls of delicious and healthy sushi. 
Rocky Mountain Freedom Training makes getting a concealed weapons permit easy and fun.
Gifting a car requires more than slapping a bow on the hood and handing over the keys. It's a grand gesture, but know that there's a lot of legwork required beforehand.
Restaurants have a long road of recovery ahead of them, you can help by ordering in this Sunday.
If you have a space that needs a strong cleaning, make sure you hire the right type of crew. Especially during COVID-19, the right type of cleaning is key.
Here's the story of one bride who took a shortcut to the altar.
If you're a prospective car buyer, don't let the excitement of this new-to-you ride cloud your judgment—a pre-purchase inspection will save you a lot of time, money, and headaches down the road.
OCN sat down with Kaylyn, 17, to talk about why she'd make a great candidate for this honored role.
20 Mile Tap House was recently on an episode of the popular OCN Eats "What's for Lunch?" show to talk about some of their favorite topics: burgers and beer!
A recent survey from IHRSA & Kelton Global found that 88% of attendees felt good about how their gym handled safety and cleanliness during COVID-19.
A lot goes into pulling off a wedding and it seems like the one person who permits a couple to go from engaged to married is left on the sidelines. Of course, the couple should take center stage at a wedding, but an officiant plays the most meaningful role at a ceremony in terms of allowing the marriage to actually take place.
While there are many excellent job alternatives, you must consider the notion that there's no greater career choice than that of a yoga instructor.
While exercise won't stop you from catching COVID-19, the benefits offered by exercise do help in improving overall health and bodily function which is more than necessary under these circumstances.
Top off a Thanksgiving feast with a slice of ice-cold deliciousness from Cold Stone.
Castle Rock's premier indoor shooting range, DCF Guns, is throwing a party on Saturday, November 14, to celebrate another year in business
Just like in humans, animals' endocannabinoid system receptors respond positively to cannabinoids, assisting with pain and anxiety relief, and the holistic benefits to pet health are becoming more documented every day.
Greenwood Village's premier health club strives to be "the best part of your day".
With gyms now opening back up under certain guidelines and regulations, it's not only important to follow the new rules, but also the rules of getting your body back in business.
Hunting not only promotes social distancing, but it also encourages a lot of other healthy habits as well.
The Yogo sapphire comes from the Yogo Gulch in central Montana and the discovery of this treasure came about as a happy accident. It was in 1866 as the Gold Rush was in full swing and the miners noticed that the Yogo Creek was full of pretty blue pebbles. It wasn't until 1894 that those pebbles were discovered to be sapphires and there began Montana's start of sapphire mining.
For those who aren't keen on oversized or chunky statement pieces, these minimalist earrings, necklaces, anklets, and bracelets prove that substance has nothing to do with size.
There's more than one way to have your wheels taken off your hands, but it often boils down to either trading it in or putting up an ad on Craigslist. Before you choose either option, give this guide a look to see which method is right for you.
Some think that life insurance is only for those who are considered senior citizens, but that is definitely not the case. Life insurance is necessary for every phase of life - from when it's just you in your first "real" job, to all the way through your winter years.
Teenage years are meant to be endured, not enjoyed. Here are a few tips to help your teen build healthy lifestyle choices that'll last a lifetime.
On July 13, 2020, Ford's order books officially opened up 3,500 reservations for the $60,800 Ford Bronco First Edition. In the span of just a few hours, all units were snatched up. Because of this overwhelming response, Ford decided to add an additional 3,500 units for production.
The diet and exercise regimens of yore showed that there was both a significant absence of healthy weight loss knowledge and a lack of common sense.
These activities below are excellent at improving memory and cognitive function as well as the speed of thought processing, a.k.a. things we've abandoned in the last few months.
For those about to rent a new place for the first time or are looking to store items for a set period of time, investing in an excellent renters insurance policy will pay off in more ways than one.