Get svelte playing with felt!

Spring is finally here! Are you looking for more ways to get outside and maybe even hone your beach bod? If so, tennis might be the perfect workout to get you into top shape. Look out for sock tan lines, though. Keep reading to find out some of the benefits that make this sport so uniquely effective.

Tennis backhand

Courtesy of The Undefeated

1.  Major cardio calorie burner

When you play tennis, you are in near-constant motion. Chasing down various shots requires quick, short sprints, plus players maintain an athletic stance in between. The combination of running, swinging and pivoting causes many people to burn more calories when playing tennis than when they engage in other physical activities.

2.  Improves agility and balance

When you dig down into proper tennis technique, it’s a game of seriously fancy footwork. Aside from sprinting to the ball, players must slow down their steps to set up for a balanced forehand or backhand. Many tennis players commonly train with agility ladders to develop quick feet.


woman hitting tennis forehand

Courtesy of The Daily Iowan

3.  Improves muscle tone and core strength

It pays to be quick in tennis, but it’s also a game of power. Ever noticed Rafael Nadal’s guns? Yeah. However, while your arms must be able to stand up to the impact of a good clean ball strike, most of your power will be generated by the rotational energy of your core. Say hello to lean abs!


tennis serve

Courtesy of WIRED


4.  Stimulates your brain

While all the points above may intimidate you and make you feel as though you could never play a sport so taxing, one of the other key benefits is that it’s simply fun and entertaining. As you become more experienced, you’ll develop strategies and shot patterns, and you’ll barely notice the physical rigors as you focus on hitting your next winner. The court becomes a geometric space where you deploy plays that will set your opponent on their heels.


Doubles High Five

Courtesy of The Daily Herald


5.  Enjoy the camaraderie

As the pandemic drags on, many of us simply crave means to connect with others. Tennis is a sport that people of all ages can partake in together, and as the weather improves, we can now play outdoors from a safe distance across the net. Whether you join a team, attend clinics, or play doubles with friends, it’s a great way to participate in healthy competition with others who share your interests.

Is tennis your perfect game, set, and match? Let us know in the comments.


Sarah Stroup
I'm a math teacher in Arlington, VA, who loves hiking, ballet, cats, and paper crafts.