Hunting is the ultimate socially-distanced activity.

Regardless of your opinion on hunting, you can't deny that it's a perfect hobby to take up during a pandemic. Don't believe me? Give the reasons below a look.

1. You can be miles apart from another person.



A post shared by Jagen im Oberpfälzer Wald ↟↟↟ (@waidwerc) on

2. You're outside in the Vitamin D-boosting sunshine.


A post shared by Cristina (@oilyhunter) on


3. All that hiking around makes for great cardio.



A post shared by Tobias | Hunting | Photography (@tobiaswestenphoto) on

4. Being in nature increases endorphin production, which also improves health and decreases stress.


A post shared by TripleCRanchTN (@triplecranchtn) on


5. Hunting licenses fund wildlife conservation.


A post shared by Rachel Clark (@rachelintherockies) on


6. Lastly, depending on what type of game you're hunting, you're excited to have to wear a mask.



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Are you planning on going hunting this season? Let us know what you're after in the comments! 

Laura Cromwell
Just a word-lovin' southern gal who wandered into the great state of Colorado (don't worry, she knows how to drive in the snow). Loves all things outdoors, satire, dessert, and any excuse to dress up. Does crossword puzzles in ink because she walks on the wild side.