What does it all mean?!

To add a little more mystery to 2020, yet another metal monolith-type structure has popped up—this time, in California. 

A 10-foot-tall metal monolith was found at the top of Pine Mountain in Atascadero, California. This one was a three-sided structure that appeared to be made from stainless reflective steel. It was found on Wednesday, December 2, in the morning. 

According to eyewitnesses, the monolith was removed in the early morning hours of Thursday, December 3, by vandals. The group came, removed the monolith, and replaced it with a wooden cross. 

Two other monolith structures have been found over the last week. The first in a remote part of the Utah desert, the other in Romania. Both of those structures were removed before anyone could figure out who had put them there. 

The California monolith was not embedded in the ground, while both Utah and Romania were set into the ground. The Utah monolith and the California one did not bear any markings, while the one in Romania was covered in swirly markings, as if someone had polished it or, perhaps etched them in. 

What do you think about all this? Where will the next monolith appear? Share your theories in the comments.