Resist the urge to work through lunch today. Find easy ways to make your lunch count.

Let's throw out the norm for April 13, in honor of National Make Lunch Count Day. "TGI Fridays founded National Make Lunch Count Day in 2016 to remind American workers to get away from their desks for lunch."

"More than half (51 percent) of those studied said it is rare or unrealistic for them to take a proper lunch break away from their work," writes the NY Times.

While some people take the time to sit down—at a table—and eat a nutritious lunch, many are found eating at their desk, in the car, or while doing chores. And others skip lunch altogether in an attempt to be more productive.

Imagine the experience of shutting down your computer, getting up from your desk, and engaging with friends over lunch. How would that feel? How would that be different from what you normally do over lunch?

"Taking a break from the workday improves productivity. That includes taking a lunch break. Leaving the office or even your desk for 20-30 minutes to refuel also reinvigorates your creative juices. Our brains and bodies need the daily break. When you return, you’ll be refreshed and ready for new ideas and approaches to whatever your job throws your way," says the National Day Calendar.

Plan to change up your lunch plans and make your lunch count. 

How to Celebrate National Make Lunch Count Day

Rather than speeding through lunch and heading to your next project or meeting, take the time to make your lunch count today. Feel free to keep it simple and just try something different—something outside of your normal routine. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Take the time to try a new restaurant with friends.
  • Enjoy a walk outside after you eat. Let your lunch hour nourish and energize your body as well as feed your soul.
  • If you typically go out for lunch, consider making your lunch today before you leave for the office. Enjoy reminiscing childhood memories over lunch.
  • Share your lunch with someone in need.

How did you make your lunch count today? Tell us in the comments.

J. Firestone
J. lives in Northern Colorado with her husband and two teenage boys. You can find J. hiking, paddleboarding, or enjoying a good board game indoors. She's an unapologetic Dallas Cowboys fan, and an even bigger fan of coffee.