From name-calling to being stood up on a date—can the drama get any crazier? (Warning: spoilers ahead!)

This season of The Bachelorette featuring Clare Crawly is probably one of the most drama-filled we’ve seen since Arie ditched his fiancé for the runner-up back in 2018. The episode picks up when Yosef is venting to the bros about his distaste for Clare’s last group date involving strip dodgeball. He decides to pull Clare aside to discuss his feelings, but things end up going from zero to 100 real quick!


Yosef begins calmly explaining how he was offended when Clare scolded him and the other bachelors in a previous date for not acting enthusiastically when she approached them. However, things took a turn for the worse when he started to call Clare “completely classless” and “immature” for having the guys play strip dodgeball last week. He also said that she was a poor example to his daughter, completely unfit to be her mother, and that he expected more from “the oldest bachelorette.” Clare fired back and told him to get out and that she wouldn’t want him to be the father of her kids. (Yikes! This was a full-on verbal fistfight.)



Enter Dale—the Bachelor heartthrob that has swooned Clare from the very beginning! He seemed to have the right emotional support and care that she needed in that moment. But, speaking of Dale, there’s a little trouble in bachelor paradise amongst the guys. Their once tight bromance started to splinter as several of the bachelors bond over the fact that Clare seems to be really connecting with Dale more than the other men.

Clare is so flustered she goes straight to the rose ceremony, and here’s who got sent home: Blake, Garin, and Tyler. After the rose ceremony, it’s time for the next group date. This group date included Jason, Jay, Eazy, Chasen, Blake, Ed, Riley, and Dale. But, before the group dates start, Clare gets some therapy girl talk with DeAnna Pappas who was previously a bachelorette.

Zach J. gets a one-on-one spa date with Clare, which ended very awkwardly to say the least! She leaned in for a kiss (which didn’t end up going as planned), and Zach J. explained that he thought there was a misunderstanding. Zach J. was left alone at dinner, and Clare was a no-show. The host, Chris Harrison, came out to inform Zach J. that he was being sent home (ouch!).

The next group date involved a roasting session with the renowned stand-up comedian and song-writer, Margaret Cho. Interestingly enough, the audience was the rest of the bachelors from the house. The roasters were really roasting Dale, and Clare definitely noticed the digs that most of the guys were making.



The last group date didn’t go as expected because during most of the men's individual time spent with Clare, she asked each of them what their digs at Dale meant. Some of the guys didn’t want to talk about him and were a little offended by that. To add insult to injury, she didn’t give anyone a rose!

The last few seconds of the show revealed some shocking revelations about next week's episode. It looks like Clare ends up leaving the show for some reason and a new bachelorette steps into the picture!

Recap: who left on week 3:

  • Yosef (obviously)
  • Zach J.
  • Blake
  • Garin
  • Tyler

Do you think Yosef is really the villain that the show is making him out to be? What about the other bachelors—do they have valid reasons for disliking Dale? And, do you think Zach J. was really avoiding Clare's kiss? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Reni Rhodes
Reni is originally from SoCal but has lived in the DC Metropolitan area for over a decade and now calls the nation's capital her home. When she is not writing for Our Community Now, she works as a public servant and frequently volunteers with a local community service organization. In her free time, you will often find her playing tennis, trying a new restaurant, rooting for the home team at a sporting event, watching an independent film at a DC film festival, or catching a show at one of the many venues in DC.