Blaze it? More like grill it! (Sorry.)
For one day only, Carl's Jr. will be testing a CBD-infused burger. April 20 has been a long-standing celebration for cannabis lovers across the state, and now, we know where they'll all be eating on Saturday.
The Rocky Mountain High CheeseBurger Delight (Get it? CBD!) will include two charbroiled beef patties, pickled jalapenos, pepper jack cheese, waffle fries, and about five milligrams of CBD extract in their Santa Fe Sauce. The CBD oil will be provided by Colorado's own BlueBird Botanicals.
Courtesy of Carl's Jr.
The burger will cost you $4.20 (of course!) and is only available at the 4050 Colorado Blvd. location. They will begin selling the burger at 6 a.m. for all you early blazers. Sorry, risers.
CBD oil is just one of the 104 chemical compounds found in marijuana. It boasts several different health benefits, but lacks the all-important THC, aka the psychoactive component that makes you high. Essentially, this burger won't make you high, but it should still chill you out and satisfy those munchies.
In recent years, many companies have jumped on the CBD-oil bandwagon. The ingredient has proven to be popular amongst younger generations who are open to new flavors and the benefits that it has to offer. Just this past month, we've seen CBD-infused jelly beans from the creator behind Jelly Belly, and we don't expect the line of products to end there.
What do you think of the new CBD trend? Will you be giving the new CBD-infused burger a try? Sound off in the comments!