Here's our list of the best comfy lounge pants you can buy online.

People are buying shirts at an increasing rate, and it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon. So, can wearing comfy pants all day, every day become the new norm, please? We've put together a list of the best lounge pants you need for chilling at home.

Yoga Pants

Yoga pants are both comfortable and functional. The once-basic legging now has all sorts of bells and whistles. For us, it’s about affordability and comfort, and when we find pairs with pockets ... well, that's a total win!


Sweatpants have seen new life in recent years, even making some appearances on red carpets, and in family pics of famous faces. The once-often-looked-down-upon sweatpant is now a staple of life. They're everywhere, and for once, it's okay for us all to embrace it without feeling sloppy or like we should head to gym class. 


Leggings are pants for any occasion. They can be casual, they can be fancy, they can be whatever we need them to be. Once just something for lazy days or little kids, leggings are in, anyone can wear them, and we love it. 

  • Leggings Depot has a great selection at a low price
  • Cuddl Duds' lightweight stretch leggings are reasonably priced and oh-so-comfy
  • Free People Movement leggings are a little pricier but well worth it; plus, free shipping on your first order

PJ Pants and Lounge Pants

PJ pants mean several different things; for some, these are simply the pants we wore that day, while others like PJ pants that are silky smooth and/or matching. Fleece PJ pants are also very popular, as are matching family sets. Also, it's okay if you're a full-grown adult and want to work in an adult-sized animal onesie—everybody's doing it.


These are not for everyone, however, when it comes to comfy pants we don’t judge. Joggers are a thing, and they are comfortable, so if that’s your thing, then embrace it while working from home.

  • We can always count on Nike for quality and comfort and their joggers are a favorite with the guys
  • Outdoor Voices has a great selection for both men and women and is offering 20 percent off your first order right now! 

If we can take something positive out of the now-historical 2020 pandemic, it’s comfy lounge pants. In fact, we're getting anxious at just the thought of having to wear jeans (aka hard pants) and (ugh!) khakis ever again.






What are your absolute go-to favorite comfy pants? Comment below. From us to you, remember to stay comfy, folks—it’s good for the body, mind, and soul.

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