The student had refused to pull her mask over her nose.

Bertram Jaquez, a school bus driver for Fremont County School District in Cañon City, Colorado, admitted in a written statement: "Out of reaction, I slapped her once." The 10-year-old girl refused to move her face mask over her nose. Students on the bus were arguing with her about this so Jaquez came back and told the girl to put her mask on. 

"I told him no, I get sick from mask[s]. I yelled at them [kids] and said you shut up your (sic) not involved in this and the bus driver slapt (sic) me," the girl wrote in a statement.

KKTV shares the video from April:

The Fremont County School District immediately placed Jaquez on administrative leave and he is no longer employed with them. Jaquez faces charges o harassment, assault causing injury, and child abuse.  

After watching the video, share your thoughts in the comments.

Jinny Jordan
Jinny has tried to fit into "a box" for most of her life and has finally stopped trying. A self-proclaimed anomaly, she is a lover of four-letter words, dirty martinis, reality TV, and Jesus. She has three incredible children who intermittently like her but never all at the same time.