Eight people killed in Atlanta spa shooting that took place on Tuesday evening, March 16. Early on it was feared to be racially motivated.
"The Chosen" series details the life of Jesus Christ in compelling ways. The series has been rated 9.7 in IMDb and garnered over 100 million views for Seasons 1 and 2.
A Vaccine Passport has been in the works by private companies and various states, in hopes to develop a mobile app that allows Americans to prove they've been vaccinated for COVID-19.
Here are some of the more interesting interactions and messages I've received. I'm sharing because "laughter through tears" is truly the best emotion, right?!
Vivian Mabuni was diagnosed with breast cancer three days before Christmas. She struggled to know how to respond. Here's her letter to fellow warriors in pink.
The world is constantly under construction, and so it goes for Weld County, but it may be under construction longer than anticipated and into the fall.
"To get the vaccine or not to get the vaccine," that is the question. Recent studies detail interesting after-effects but the efficacy of the vaccines and the move for herd immunity may outweigh the risks.
Custer County's county commissioners voted to resume all business and living back to "normal" on Wednesday morning. It's not confirmed yet if this is Colorado's first county to lift all COVID restrictions.
Meet the rabbi who walked into the bar for Holy Highball's video series and podcast. Rabbi Evette Lutman talks turkey about Torah and hands down is one of the greatest teachers we've met!
Whether you prefer it dirty, up, wet, or dry with gin or vodka, nothing rivals the old-school cool of the classic martini.
Broomfield County is no longer seeing Yellow, but now more of a sunny Blue (at least for now). Here are the new guidelines that come with Level Blue.
Even if you've missed the chance to make dine-in reservations, some places have some killer to-go Mom's Day brunches and mimosa kits. It's never too late to make mom feel special!
In the final article in our Queer Pride interview series, Max and Sean get "real" with us about the LGBTQIA community and open up about what "home" really feels like.
I ripped the Band-Aid® off 2 years ago when I "unhid" my online dating profile, and since then, my life has never been quite the same. Here are some things I've learned so far.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans who died from a drug overdose was the most ever recorded in a 12-month period. The majority of these misused drugs are taken from family and friend's medicine cabinets.
Peabody is a mini horse and he's no bigger than a French bulldog, but he's way cuter (sorry, Lady Gaga)!
Meet Howard Morton and his dog, Cooper. Cooper is a therapy dog, and over the past six years, they've made 300 visits mainly to 9-1-1 call centers, airports, and hospitals.
The tax deadline is May 17—there's still time. Here are some tax tips that'll want to know for either personal or small business.
South Carolina shooting suspect found dead after killing 5 people inside their Rock Hill home; 2 victims were children.
The bomb squad has been deployed to the scene and cleared the suspicious item. Police are still checking the area.
Let's get this sweet pup back home!
#ChoosetoChallenge is the theme for International Women's Day 2021. Let's celebrate all the incredible women in our lives with these 12 inspiring and uplifting quotes.
Mama knows best, even if she has 4 legs and large ears. Check out this Ohio mama's TikTok video.
The wildlife suburban shenanigans sightings just keep coming. A pair of bobcats cozy up to each other on a trampoline and hang out for a bit.
The animal kingdom seems to be acting just as uncaged as their human counterparts. Check out these videos.
The Watering Bowl in Denver allows for dogs to accompany their human counterparts for food fare, spirits, and fun!
There's a lot happening at the Denver Zoo this fall: The New Penguin Exhibit opens on September 30, and "Wild Fall" is a family-focused daytime celebration every day in October.
It's good to live in Broncos Country! Check out the 17-game schedule for the 2021 season.
What do a converted school bus, Los Angeles, and a pet monkey have to do with jewelry? Everything. Our Community Now handcrafts jewelry with one of our favorite Colorado artisans.
Back in March, when the Tread+ treadmill pulled a 6-year-old under the rotating track, resulting in the child's death, Peloton was adamant about not recalling the treadmill.
Meet the world's cutest mini-human Teletubby. This 4-year-old boy makes COVID safety measures look like a Saturday morning cartoon.
The City of Brighton will be displaying "The Wall That Heals," a 360-foot replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial along with a mobile Education Center at Carmichael Park from September 2–5.
Kirstie Alley tweets about censorship, which raises a good question about the First Amendment. Whether you agree with her politics or not, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is showing concern over Twitter's banning actions.
It's never too late to make your second (or third) marriage the ceremony you actually wanted your first one to be (minus your first spouse–thank goodness!).
The Aspen Police Department is still looking for the two suspects and asking for the public's assistance.
The male-dominated bar and brewery industry is being rivaled by some pretty bad-ass women who have scaled what may seem like an impossible wall.
Tragedies, wars, and pandemics have a way of bringing out the best in people even in the worst of situations. But is it bringing more babies? Denver hospital Rose Medical Center is reporting an "impressive increase" in their labor and delivery ward.
But that wasn't even the scariest thing they did. What in the world were they thinking?
The horrific Atlanta shootings targeted Asian massage parlors and killed 8 people, and sparked the movement #StopAsianHate. But if you're asking if it was "racially motivated," you may be asking the wrong question.
On September 14, Broadway will re-open with 100% capacity, and ticket sales will begin on May 6.
With the moon cycles ever in favor of Colorado Easter sunrises, anyone can experience this moonlit/sunrise adventure as long as you're willing and able to go for a 4-mile ski trek at 0-dark-thirty.
Meet the priest who walked into the bar for Holy Highball's video series and podcast. Father Joseph Wolyniak drops a lot of truth and other types of bombs.
Our Community Now asked you, "Is there anything you will miss about wearing masks?" And we got a little teary-eyed from your answers (from laughing too hard).
Who says a pastor can't be super fly? Pastor Nirup has an obsession with cool kicks. Watch Holy Highball to not only catch his shoes, but also his commentary on four-letter words and all things COVID.
Agnostic Ashley Richards weighs in on life and death possibilities along with Father Stace Tafoya and atheist Martin Soederhamn.
"Satan Shoes," a Lil Nas X collaboration with MSCHF, has got us all talking, and maybe that was the point? Nike filed a trademark infringements and stops sales of the customeshoes.
With record-breaking heatwave temperatures across the country, air conditioners need a little help and care to keep running efficiently and effectively.
Both Bowls are airing at the same time, so pick which team you're cheering: Team Canine or Team Feline. All animals featured are shelter animals and available for adoption after the big game.
If you've been lucky enough to include the I-25 stretch Evans Avenue exit in your commute, then you probably know what we're talking about. Just look up.
The OCN Van's catalytic converter is gone. With an incredible spike in these type of car thefts, we guess that makes us police report #258 now.
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