It's good to live in Broncos Country!

With life feeling a bit more like it's returning to normal, the release of the Denver Broncos 2021 schedule really makes it seem as if we are almost pre-pandemic. The buzz of live and in-person sporting events, especially NFL Broncos football gets our blood pumping!

Below is the Denver Broncos' 17-game schedule, which is set to begin on Sunday, September 12:

broncos 2021 schedule
Denver Broncos 2021 schedule, Courtesy Denver Broncos (Facebook)

How excited are you to see the Denver Broncos in action this season? Share in the comments which game you're most excited to see!

Jinny Jordan
Jinny has tried to fit into "a box" for most of her life and has finally stopped trying. A self-proclaimed anomaly, she is a lover of four-letter words, dirty martinis, reality TV, and Jesus. She has three incredible children who intermittently like her but never all at the same time.