Alexandria and D.C. have both been chosen as filming sites for the "Wonder Woman" sequel! Now is your chance to get a spot on set!

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced this past week that Alexandria has been chosen as one of the filming locations for "Wonder Woman 1984," the sequel to Warner Bros. and DC's 2017 movie, "Wonder Woman." The film will star Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, and Kristin Wiig, all of whom have reportedly already been spotted in the DMV area. Gadot was spotted having dinner at the Peacock Cafe in Georgetown on June 4, while Pine was seen enjoying some French cuisine at Le Diplomate on May 31. Not only is the possibility of spotting a celebrity exciting, but we're also jazzed about the positive impact it will have on the local economy. Having a major film production come to town provides business to local shops and restaurants, as well as work opportunities for those interested in being extras on set. Marinella Hume Casting is in charge of providing the film with extras. Check out this casting call for specifics on how to get yourself cast as an extra in "Wonder Woman 1984"!
Maybe you love the idea of a major motion picture being filmed in your town, but you have no desire to be an extra in the film. Well, you can go check out a film site and possibly catch a glimpse of a celebrity! So far, there have been reports of the cast and crew filming at a variety of locations all over D.C. and Northern Virginia. Starting on Wednesday, June 13, film crews were seen between Wisconsin Avenue and M Street, as well as Water Street and K Street. The defunct Landmark Mall in Alexandria, which has also been used for filming, has been transformed to resemble a retro mall from the 1980s, as the movie is set in 1984 (hence the title!). The U.S. Treasury building in Washington was also used for shooting on June 12. So whether you're wanting to make your debut as an extra on the set of "Wonder Woman 1984" or just hoping to witness some behind-the-scenes magic, there's no doubt that you'll have your chance this summer! Have you spotted any celebrities around town or landed an extra spot on set? Let us know in the comments!

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Mackenzie Roark
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