Much like life imitating art, animals are imitating humans. 

With the lifting of COVID restrictions and guidelines after a year, human behavior has mirrored that much like caged animals being released back into the wild. And now, the animal kingdom seems to be following suit of their human counterparts. May these videos serve as a good laugh, but also a public service announcement to keep wildlife, wild.

Here's your weekly list of bizarre wildlife videos:

Bathing in a pool—anything to beat these 100-degree days.

Protecting her babies—instead of Mama Bear, it's Mama Elk, now!

Recreating on the lake, of course.

Here's an honorable mention (although it's not a video). Did you miss the one about the man swallowed by a whale? For real! Check it out here.

Have you witnessed any other funny wildlife videos this week? Share them in the comments.

Jinny Jordan
Jinny has tried to fit into "a box" for most of her life and has finally stopped trying. A self-proclaimed anomaly, she is a lover of four-letter words, dirty martinis, reality TV, and Jesus. She has three incredible children who intermittently like her but never all at the same time.