"Father Joseph, a rabbi, and a pastor walk into a bar ..."

Rev'd Joseph Wolyniak serves at Christ Church Denver (2950 S University Blvd), where his ministry is focused on helping parishioners become followers of Jesus in their everyday lives. He is married to The Rev’d Liz Costello (St Gregory’s Littleton), and together, they are the ill-equipped and overtired parents of two rambunctious, wonderful kids. Joseph has written six award-winning books* (*n.b., unpublished picture books co-authored with his 5-year-old daughter) and is actively discerning whether to declare his eligibility for the NBA draft. In addition to quality time with his family, Joseph enjoys hiking, microbreweries, and listening to IDLES.

Fr joseph wolyniak
Father Joseph Wolyniak, Courtesy of PIN Studios

See more from Father Joseph Wolyniak in Holy Highball, and connect with him FacebookInstagram, or jwolyniak@christchurchdenver.org.

The Episcopal Church is a local member of the global Anglican Communion, the third-largest denomination in the world with churches from North America to Nigeria to New Zealand. Christ Church Denver, as a member of the Episcopal Church in Colorado, welcomes members from a diversity of backgrounds to live life and faith together. Find the parish on Facebook and Instagram.

Do you have a question for Fr. Wolyniak or Holy Highball? Ask in the comments. 

To see more of Father Wolyniak, watch this episode of Holy Highball.

Jinny Jordan
Jinny has tried to fit into "a box" for most of her life and has finally stopped trying. A self-proclaimed anomaly, she is a lover of four-letter words, dirty martinis, reality TV, and Jesus. She has three incredible children who intermittently like her but never all at the same time.