I'm a big Dr Pepper fan. I'm not a pickle fan. So, when I heard people were combining the two, I had to investigate!

This weird drink trend, "Pickled Dr Pepper" (we're totally coining that term, by the way, if it hasn't been done so already!), is a huge thing that's divided the internet.

You're probably wondering, "What is a Pickled Dr Pepper?" We're glad you asked! It's a cup of Dr Pepper with pickles either on the side that you add to the drink or with pickles already tossed into the cup. Yep, it's as basic (and bizarre) as it sounds.

According to TikTok user @mississippimemaw—who was one of the first to document the drink trend—you can only order this drink at Sonic. (We wouldn't be surprised if other fast-food shops started offering this bizarre drink after all the hubbub online.)

In the TikTok video, you can see @mississippimemaw pulling into the Sonic drive-thru and requesting "a large Dr. Pepper with pickles," and the cashier surprisingly follows through on the request.

"Don't knock it 'til you try it," she says in the video. "If you like pickles and you like Dr Pepper and you're probably like, 'Ew, gross—I would never ever drink that.' But there's a lot of people that do drink this. 'Cause you hear the way she took my order?"

After posting the video, which now has 4.8 million views (and counting!), others are beginning to try the combo themselves. One user said, "The salty and sweet reminded me of the salt on a chocolate chip cookie."

Not sure how I feel about that comment, to be honest. It's taken a lot of strength to not completely throw up while writing this article. 'Cause the thought of salty pickles in my delicious, crisp Dr Pepper... *shudders*. No, thank you.

Have you tried the pickles and Dr Pepper combo yet? If not, will you? Or is it too weird to even think about it?

Kristina Shriver
Director of Our Community Now. When not writing or reading, Kristina likes to dance like no one is watching and enjoys speaking in vague movie references/quotes, which only a select few in her circle truly understand. A huge nerd, she loves attending comic book conventions (in costume, of course!) and engaging in geek-fueled conversations with anyone who is willing to listen to her ramble. She also dedicates her spare time to supporting various mental health organizations.