Shortage of asphalt concrete delaying summer construction

The world is constantly under construction, and so it goes for Weld County, but it may be under construction longer than anticipated due to a shortage of asphalt concrete. If you live in the cities of Weld County, you can expect delays on several road projects that were slated for summer completion and extended into the fall. In addition, expect current road closures to be longer. 

According to Mike Freeman, commissioner coordinator for the Weld County Department of Public Works: 

Construction may resume late August or the beginning of September, and the county is prioritizing key projects which include:

  • Weld County Road (WCR) 43 reclamation project
  • WCR 20.5 between WCR 1 and 7 bridge redecking
  • WCR 59 overlay project

As we all know, there's cause and effect and this is the primary reason for the asphalt concrete shortage. There's basically a lack of refined oil being distributed to asphalt plants which are affecting the delay of petroleum-based materials used mainly in paving. Hence, the delay in the summer construction projects in Weld County and statewide. 

Make sure to check for updates on the Weld County Government Facebook page as well as the Weld County Department of Public Works.

Will you be impacted by these road construction delays? Share in the comments.

Jinny Jordan
Jinny has tried to fit into "a box" for most of her life and has finally stopped trying. A self-proclaimed anomaly, she is a lover of four-letter words, dirty martinis, reality TV, and Jesus. She has three incredible children who intermittently like her but never all at the same time.