Competitive scooter riding is on the rise in the world of extreme sports.

I was in middle school when the Razor scooter made its grand debut as a fun way for kids to putter around the neighborhood. Fast forward almost two decades, and you'll see that what was once considered a toy has now been turned into a worldwide competitive sport. It's also being considered as a potential Olympic event

Judging from that GIF, I'd say scooters have proven themselves worthy of extreme sports enthusiasts. Because they don't require the same learning curve like that of a skateboard, anyone can get the hang of a scooter at a faster pace.

On top of that, professional scooter riders can earn a decent amount of cash if they work hard enough and win large purses at competitions. Social media has allowed for pro scooter riders to gain a solid following, which gets the attention of brand sponsorship that also funnels in a supportive source of income.  

Know a youngster who lives for a thrill and might be willing to try their hand (or wheels, in this case) at pro scooter riding? Thankfully, there are summer camp programs taught by skilled professionals with indoor and outdoor parks, as well as events across the country that get scooter riders together to bond and learn from one another. 

Since I remember full well the introduction of the Razor scooter, I am waaay past the age where I can try this out for myself, but to all you adventurous kids out there, get scooting!


Need a thrill? Here are five pulse-pounding outdoor activities you can do in Colorado!

Laura Cromwell
Just a word-lovin' southern gal who wandered into the great state of Colorado (don't worry, she knows how to drive in the snow). Loves all things outdoors, satire, dessert, and any excuse to dress up. Does crossword puzzles in ink because she walks on the wild side.