Don't be a cotton-headed ninny-muggins this season. Give "Elf" Monopoly as a gift this Christmas.

Just like Buddy, you can exclaim, "I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite!" as you play USAOPOLY's newest version of Monopoly this Christmas.

Monopoly Elf is now available at USAOPOLY for $39.99 (free shipping with orders of $45 or more) or Amazon for $69.95 (with Prime shipping). Really, Amazon?

Rather than houses and hotels, this version uses apartments and skyscrapers. Every player will compete to own 28 movie-themed spaces, including Santa’s Workshop, Gimbel’s Toy Department, and the Lincoln Tunnel. Enjoy six custom-sculpted tokens: Santa's Sleigh, Polar Bear Cub, Jack-in-the-Box, Mailroom Coffee Mug, Santa's Bag, and Maple Syrup.

"'Son of a nutcracker!' Fans of the classic holiday film Elf will be tickled pink as they travel down memory lane in this re-imagined version of Monopoly. With iconic characters, locations, and quotes, Christmas cheer will sure be sung loud for all to hear in MONOPOLY: Elf."

About USAOPOLY, Inc.

While Hasbro currently publishes the original Monopoly game, the game was adapted from The Landlord's Game created by Lizzy Magie back in 1903. Since then, more than 1,100 versions of Monopoly have been created, including Make Your Own Opoly Board Game

USAOPOLY, Inc. has created many versions of Monopoly over the years, including Breaking Bad, The Goonies, and Bob Ross Edition

"Based in Southern California, we had our start as a simple business idea that caught fire. We were fueled by the fortitude of a dedicated team that put their heart and soul into every custom Monopoly game with a twist. Through the years, we expanded our portfolio to include other licensed favorites like Clue, Munchkin, Trivial Pursuit, Codenames and more. Today, the company has expanded even further to include original family, party, hobby games, and puzzles to became one of the most diverse game publishers around. We are committed to uphold our reputation for quality and authenticity through unique and immersive experiences that we hope you will always remember."

What version of Monopoly do you play with friends? Share in the comments below.

J. Firestone
J. lives in Northern Colorado with her husband and two teenage boys. You can find J. hiking, paddleboarding, or enjoying a good board game indoors. She's an unapologetic Dallas Cowboys fan, and an even bigger fan of coffee.