Just another reason to get rid of Daylight Saving Time and go back to bed.

Like many Americans, you will likely feel the drain of being robbed a precious hour of sleep once Daylight Saving Time hits. With mornings getting darker and evenings becoming brighter, this causes a human's circadian rhythm to be thrown for a terribly unnecessary loop. Throw in a hefty dash of sleep deprivation, plus an early-morning commute, and you have a recipe for a higher likelihood of a car accident. A study performed by Current Biology showed that six percent of traffic deaths per year are attributed to the week following spring Daylight Saving Time.


sleeping gif
Courtesy of GIPHY

Since there doesn't seem to be any sign of Daylight Saving Time going extinct, here's what you can do adjust in order to a) feel less like a zombie and b) not become a traffic statistic while making your way to work.  

1. Don't increase your caffeine intake. Keep it to one cup in the morning.

2. Keep mid-day naps to no more than 20 minutes. 

3. Open the blinds right after you wake up. While it may still be dark, the sun will be on its way out and this gradual exposure will help your body adjust more smoothly.

4. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. Alcohol contributes to reducing REM sleep which lowers the actual quality of your shut-eye. 

Since we're all about safe commutes here at OCN, we encourage you to stay off the road if you can't keep your eyes open. Be smart and set a timer on your phone for a power nap or call someone to come get you. If you happen to get involved in an accident that left you hurt, don't hesitate to contact the McDivitt Law Firm as soon as possible. Their accident and injury attorneys help hundreds of Coloradans each year at their offices in Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, and Aurora.

Have any other Spring Forward adjustment tips? Let us know in the comments!

Laura Cromwell
Just a word-lovin' southern gal who wandered into the great state of Colorado (don't worry, she knows how to drive in the snow). Loves all things outdoors, satire, dessert, and any excuse to dress up. Does crossword puzzles in ink because she walks on the wild side.