Outdoor nuptials in the summer are beautiful, but sometimes the heat can be a real wedding crasher.

Summer weddings have the blessing of sunshine, ample hours of natural light for photographs, and warm temperatures that have the entire party enjoying the time spent outdoors. However, sometimes the warm temperatures be a little too warm and cause discomfort for everyone involved. If you're concerned about how to keep you and your guests cool on your wedding day, give these helpful tips a look:

Keep ice water at the ready. Drinking cold beverages helps beat the heat, so have water stations placed conveniently around your venue. Not only does this aid in comfort, but staves off dehydration. Dehydration is an unwelcome guest at any occasion, especially if alcoholic beverages are being served.

Invest in misters or portable fans. If you're getting married during a week of particularly hot temperatures, having cooling equipment like this will keep you and your guests comfortable for hours.

Place a "sun stash" in the guest bathrooms. Have a basket of sunblock, spray-on deodorants, underarm sweat pads, face blotters, and hair ties at the ready for guests to freshen up with.

summer wedding at villa parker in parker colorado

Opt for airbrush makeup. If you and your bridesmaids are worried about sweating off a makeup artist's hard work, consider using airbrush cosmetics as it can withstand the hours of sweat, tears, and smears that are bound to happen throughout the day. As an added bonus, it photographs beautifully!

Create shaded spots. Setting up canopies around your venue provides your guests with a safe haven from the sun. Be sure to also place a water station as well as chairs to allow them to relax and cool off.

Pass out hand fans for guests during the ceremony. These don't just come in handy during outdoor ceremonies, but air conditioning units have been known to fail, causing misery for indoor ceremonies as well. Add an extra convenience, as well as a party favor, by investing in customized hand fans they can enjoy long after the ceremony.

Do you have any other tips on how to stay cool during a summer wedding? Sound off in the comments.

Laura Cromwell
Just a word-lovin' southern gal who wandered into the great state of Colorado (don't worry, she knows how to drive in the snow). Loves all things outdoors, satire, dessert, and any excuse to dress up. Does crossword puzzles in ink because she walks on the wild side.