Though she be but little, she is fierce! Japan's Yoyoka Soma submitted a video of herself rocking out to Led Zeppelin for an international drumming contest, and we can't get enough.

If you're looking for a spirited way to welcome the weekend, look no further than this three-minute video of Yoyoka Soma -- an 8-year-old drummer from Japan -- whose drum entry in the Hit Like a Girl 2018 contest has gone viral. Because her favorite drummer is Led Zeppelin's John Bonham, Soma chose to do a cover of his part on Led Zeppelin's "Good Times Bad Times" -- and boy, did she nail it! Take a look/listen:   [embed][/embed] From her gorgeous smile, all the way down to her polka dot socks, Soma's spirit and energy are infectious, carrying her all the way to the final round of the competition.
"I want to be an artist who can do anything: playing all instruments, recording music, mixing the sound and designing the CD album jackets," her entry's accompanying statement said. "My dream is to be the best drummer in the world." 
Soma's been playing drums since the age of 2 and plays along with her family's band, Kaneaiyoyoka. She is multi-talented, bringing keyboard and vocal skills to the band, as well as music composition. A "global drumming contest for female percussionists," Hit Like A Girl 2018 is in its seventh year, spotlighting girl drummers and encouraging musicianship among females across the world. What do you think? Did Soma's drum contest entry brighten your day? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

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Chris Wiegand
I write awesome things, apparently!