A Convention That Combines Faith With Pop Culture

If you love the Lord as well as a good Star Wars flick, this is an event for you! On Saturday, September 29, Virginia Theological Seminary will play host to a one-day convention known as ΘeoCon, or TheoCon for all you non-Greeks out there. Participants will be introduced and invited to explore themes of theology and morality in pop culture within various media such as comic books, graphic novels, and Sci-Fi movies. 

Image courtesy TheoCon's Facebook page

This exciting event is sure to stir up conversations on how themes of morality can be found in the strangest places. Think about it: many Marvel and DC Comics superheroes, as well as Sci-Fi books and movies, include some sort of good vs. evil storyline or center around a unique character with special powers that are used to better their universe. We can bet that you'll never watch an Avengers movie the same way again after this conference.

Image courtesy TheoConLive's Instagram

Special speakers at this event include prominent religious figures such as the Rev. Canon Charles K. Robertson, Ph.D., Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry Beyond The Episcopal Church, who authored chapters found in The Gospel According to Superheroes and Religion and Science Fiction, and Missioner for Evangelism and Community Engagement for the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., the Rev. Patricia M. Lyons, Ph.D. who wrote Teaching Faith with Harry Potter: A Guidebook for Parents and Educators for Multigenerational Faith Formation.

Cosplay is also encouraged, so feel free to dress up as Luke Skywalker, Hermione Granger, Moses, or any other Biblical or science fiction character you'd like! To follow venue policies and Alexandria laws, Virginia Theological Seminary does not permit guns, gun replicas, or inoperable/nonfunctioning guns.

Interested? Get your tickets here.

ΘeoCon: Where Theology Meets Pop Culture
Saturday, September 29, 2018
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Virginia Theological Seminary's Addison Hall
3737 Seminary Road
Alexandria, VA 22304

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Laura Cromwell
Just a word-lovin' southern gal who wandered into the great state of Colorado (don't worry, she knows how to drive in the snow). Loves all things outdoors, satire, dessert, and any excuse to dress up. Does crossword puzzles in ink because she walks on the wild side.