*Originally published in 2018
Updated on February 9, 2024:

Super Bowl LVIII is this Sunday, February 11, and now that we know which teams will be going head-to-head, fans are itching to get their hands on tickets to see their team win it all! 

But, we're warning you now: be prepared to drop up to $45,000 per ticket (from resellers). Yes, per ticket.

Ticketmaster, the NFL's official ticket platform, shows the lowest price for tickets running at $6,500. Stubhub, on the other, showed tickets as low as $6,000.

So, with the insanely high ticket prices, it got me thinking: How much have ticket costs changed since 1967, at the first Super Bowl?

Back in 1967, Super Bowl tickets cost $10 ($90 when adjusted for inflation). Can you imagine? Can't even get a beer at the stadium for $10 nowadays.

super bowl ticket prices graph
Chart: Aimee Picchi

Now, not sure about you, but I will be watching the game (and commercials!) from the comfort of my own home. Thank you very much.

Kristina Shriver
Associate Director of Our Community Now. When not writing or reading, Kristina likes to dance like no one is watching and enjoys speaking in vague movie references/quotes, which only a select few in her circle truly understand. A huge nerd, she loves attending comic book conventions (in costume, of course!) and engaging in geek-fueled conversations with anyone who is willing to listen to her ramble. She also dedicates her spare time to supporting various mental health organizations.