We've looked into the research. Is Grandma right or wrong that the tryptophan in turkey causes sleepiness?
Pass over the traditional pumpkin and pecan pies for this delectable cherry pie recipe—just like Grandma used to make.
Relive everything special about your Thanksgiving meal. Put that leftover turkey to good use in these mouth-watering recipes.
A new take on pumpkin pie that adds a cream cheese layer and bursts with "pumpkiny" flavor. This pumpkin pie recipe truly is a no-bake recipe.
By combining coffee and ice cream, this beverage packs a punch of flavor into every sip. And it makes a perfect recipe for a Thanksgiving gathering!
The lovers can't get enough, and the haters just don't get it. See what's all the fuss over eggnog.
No one likes to get up at the crack of dawn to baste a turkey all day ... only to serve a dry turkey to friends and family. Try this recipe that frees you up and tastes great!
Set aside all your plans for Sunday, November 14, and pick out your favorite pair of pajamas. Celebrate National Family PJ Day in your comfiest attire. (Matching not required.)
Nachos is the versatile comfort food we want to celebrate in 2020. #nationalnachosday
Stay home from work and celebrate this monumental holiday. You're welcome.
With tons of tail-wagging ideas, making a dog's day also gives you much-needed canine therapy.
"It's a-me, Mario!" Enjoy the games, the cartoons, and the shenanigans all surrounding the beloved plumber, Mario.
Even seasonal allergy sufferers can head outdoors as spring begins to blossom. These tips will make it easier for you.
Skip the gift cards, and find just the right gift for friends and family in Colorado.
Whether moldy cheese makes your mouth water or your upper lip curl, check out ways to celebrate this holiday.
National Love People Day "asks us to lift others up through the profound power of unconditional love." This national holiday reminds us to love people. All people.
If traditional gold wedding rings just aren't your thing, check out these meaningful options to exchange when you say, "I do."
Rather than melting in the summer heat, enjoy one—or ALL—of these fan-favorite summer drinks.
Here are quick ideas to keep porch pirates from stealing your Amazon Prime Day packages. 
You read that right. Here's a list of things you've always wanted to do—and now have permission.
While packing your backpack, be sure to grab a pair (or two) of compression socks. Your legs will thank you.
While tarpon fishing near the everglades, this Florida resident somehow kept his wits about him as he captured his own narrow escape from an alligator attack.
Combining the act of creating art with the best beers is something we all need. Head to Old Town Fort Collins and see what the hype is all about.
No, this holiday wasn't created by moms. Though, they're understandably proud of your cleaning.
You don't have to be sneaky about grabbing your sneakers. These quick ideas will easily add steps to your day.
For the 99th year, the Greeley Stampede is offering world-renown rodeo and beloved concerts. In 2021, the expectation will be no different. TobyMac, Dylan Scott, 3 Doors Down, and more will be performing!
How do you spend your lunch hour? Or ... your 15-minute lunch break? Resist the urge to work through lunch today and find easy ways to make your lunch count.
After such a tragic incident in Boulder, Colorado, we all can use a bit of good news. The foundation was honored to share the news with Talley's family.
Plan now to explore the great outdoors in Aspen this summer. Reservations are required to see the iconic and picturesque Maroon Bells.
According to National Day Calendar, National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day is celebrated each year on April 2. Whether you go for grape jelly or apple butter, the combination of peanut butter with any jelly brings back memories of school lunches.
As you are seeking optimal health for your legs, be sure to pay attention to how your kidneys play a key role.
What does goofing off look like to you? Throw caution to the wind, kick back, and enjoy the day!
This is the day we can all say, "Skadoosh" just like Po, from "Kung Fu Panda."
Remarkable advertisement for a local Minneapolis bowling alley. This footage is "right up our alley."
What started as awkward turned into friendship as a winter storm swept through Texas. The winter storm was headed her way, and she had one more delivery to make.
Flash those pearly whites as you take time to thank your dentist. Don't worry, scheduling a visit as a patient is optional.