You could win cash and your very own Jelly Belly candy factory. 

In true Willy Wonka style, the founder of Jelly Belly jelly beans has decided to give away a candy factory. David Klein, who started Jelly Belly in 1976, is getting ready to retire and wanted to do so in a less traditional way than most. He's decided to hold a treasure hunt to win cash and the key to one of his candy factories. 

Described as a "boots on the ground treasure hunt”, the idea behind this one is to get people out and exploring, and, of course, to give away free candy. 

Klein will be hiding a “golden ticket” a necklace, in every state of the country. Rather than purchasing a chocolate bar, tickets to join in the hunt must be purchased for $49.98. Once purchased, the ticket holder will receive a riddle with clues to where the necklaces are hidden and access to a Facebook group with more information. Each golden ticket necklace contains a code to redeem for $5,000. All those who purchase a ticket to participate in the hunt will also have the chance to play in the Ultimate Treasure Hunt to win the keys to one of Klein’s factories. The big winner will receive an all-expenses-paid vacation and classes at a candy-making university, as well as the keys to the candy kingdom. 

The big treasure hunt for the factory will open up once the game has been opened up in every state. Each state will be limited to 1,000 treasure hunters.

Check the website ( for all the rules and details about what states have already opened the treasure hunt and when others will. 

"With The Gold Ticket Treasure hunt, our goal is to get people out and about with their families. Grandma and Grandpa can even join with the kids and grandkids," said Klein. "Take videos of your treasure hunt experiences for possible inclusion in our upcoming series."

Known as “The Candyman”, Klein earned a law degree before he decided to follow his passion for candy. He created the Jelly Belly jelly bean in 1976 and also founded Tricky Treasures. Klein is known for his love of both candy and people and has been very philanthropic throughout his life. He always wanted to do something like this and is excited to inspire people to get out and have some fun. 

We must admit, the idea of winning our very own candy factory might be just the thing we need to reset 2020. There have been a lot of treasure hunts recently, including the Blackbeard Treasure Hunt currently has 10 chests with $10 million each hidden around the country.

Would you want your own jelly bean factory? Sound off in the comments.