DTC Dwellers, Need Some Help Planning Your Next Date? We Can Help!

Whether you've graduated from texting to a face-to-face meeting or are looking for something to do in the DTC area with a significant other, we here at OCN have prepared a handy guide of hotspots worth checking out. From eating to entertainment to breaking a sweat, these establishments are worth spending some time in.

Arts & Entertainment

If there's one thing I keep hearing about dating in these here modern times is that it's that all dates consist of a run-of-the-mill coffee/adult beverage. Whether it's your first date or your fourteenth, make it memorable by doing something that requires thought or, even better, laughter.upstairs circus denver tech center

Upstairs Circus

Crafts and booze?! Get in touch with your artistic side and sip on a cocktail as you put together the craft project of your choice. Jewelry, wall art, and other DIY accessories, as well as the necessary tools and paints, are all provided on-site. Take home your handiwork as a memento to what we hope was a great time together!

Comedy Works

If your date lacks a sense of humor, at least you'll get in chuckles during any of the comedy acts that take the stage. Fair warning, wearers of eyeliner and mascara, wear waterproof eye makeup as some acts may make you laugh your warpaint off.

Food & Drink

There are many restaurants in the area -- too many to list in one article, unfortunately -- but we put our top three cuisines that are a go-to for a Denver date night: tacos, pizza, and sushi.

pizza republica pizzaLos Chingones

Celebrate Taco Tuesday by swinging by this savory and satisfying Mexican-themed eatery. Plus, no matter how bad the date is going, remember there is always good guacamole to indulge in.

Hapa Sushi

If you're both transplants from coastal states, we know how much you miss good seafood. Hapa has a wide assortment of sushi rolls plus poke dishes to satisfy your raw fish fixation.

Pizza Republica

You simply can't go wrong with a decent Neapolitan-style pizza or any Italian fare for that matter. After burning off calories laughing at Comedy Works, just go around the corner and replenish with some good ol' fashioned carbo-loading.

Physical Activity

OK, minds out of the gutter, y'all, we're talking about your night out not your night in. 


You and your date will get a great workout during any of the cycling sessions hosted here. Expect to get sweaty, so if you're not ready for your date to see you looking flushed and disheveled, you may want to wait until you've gotten to know each other a whole lot better. yoga class

ONE Yoga

If you want your date to see you in your new Lululemon yoga pants, suggest this as a date option. Besides, even if you never see each other again, you at least got a good yoga session in.

If you've been dating in Colorado long enough, chances are you've shared a table with one of these individuals

Laura Cromwell
Just a word-lovin' southern gal who wandered into the great state of Colorado (don't worry, she knows how to drive in the snow). Loves all things outdoors, satire, dessert, and any excuse to dress up. Does crossword puzzles in ink because she walks on the wild side.