6 tips for healthy veins in the cold weather!

Summer is coming to a close, which means colder days are ahead. As the days become colder, it is crucial to know how this weather can affect our veins. Let's take a look!

1. Stay Active!

It may be challenging to stay active now that we're leaving the warmer months behind, but it is essential to keep your body moving and your blood pumping for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is good vein health. If you remain inactive, your blood can pool in your veins and create spider veins and varicose veins or make existing issues worse. Daily exercise can aid with this! Whether you enjoy winter sports such as skiing, prefer walking in your neighborhood, or thrive when you hit the gym, just be sure to move! Yoga is another fantastic method of aiding with leg health!

2. Practice a Healthy Diet

Eating healthy is another great way to maintain blood circulation. Foods that are high in vitamins and nutrients are the way to go, such as nuts, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Fiber is awesome for proper blood circulation. Although the holiday season brings about tons of indulgent food, don't make that your whole diet! Let yourself enjoy sweet treats but remember to also eat foods that are nourishing and provide health benefits. 

3. Avoid Smoking

It's no secret that smoking contributes to health problems. One of these problems is reduced circulation. Try to stop or reduce any existing smoking habits to improve blood flow.

4. Embrace the Cold

The colder temperatures can make it really easy to curl up indoors, but there are actually some benefits to take advantage of during these colder months. Believe it or not, the cold can actually be beneficial for vein health, as it can shrink your veins, increasing blood flow. This can help the veins to appear smaller and also decrease pain and swelling.

5. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

We all know by now how important it is to drink water. Sufficient hydration allows the blood to become thinner, which means it will flow through the veins more easily. Because hydration increases blood flow, it will also lower the risk of blood clots. Additionally, it can reduce varicose veins. 

6. Visit a Health Professional

If you have any questions or concerns about your vein health, it is best to seek out professional advice. If you live in Colorado, American Vein & Vascular Institute is a great place to visit, and they offer services such as consultations and treatments.

Helaina Cozza
Helaina is a content writer for OCN. She is a Colorado transplant and loves the Colorado lifestyle. Some activities she enjoys are skiing, going to concerts, and hiking.